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The CME Group has begun publishing a Boxed Beef Index, a new pricing tool that tracks daily value further down the supply chain, focusing on the prices paid for Choice and Select cuts of beef.

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If you would like to access the Grow System please ensure you're successfully connected to an AGCO network and try again. track your documents : number : track your documents : number AGRO Merchants Group was founded in January 2013. Along with its financial partner, Oaktree Capital Management, AGRO Merchants currently operates over 7.7 million cubic meters of temperature-controlled warehouse and distribution space in the U.S, UK, Austria, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Australia, Brazil, Chile and the Netherlands. AGRO Merchants Group was founded in January 2013. Along with its financial partner, Oaktree Capital Management, AGRO Merchants currently operates over 7.7 million cubic meters of temperature-controlled warehouse and distribution space in the U.S, UK, Austria, Ireland, Spain, Portugal, Poland, Australia, Brazil, Chile and the Netherlands.

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